Friday, October 20, 2017



In September, Kelly rescued Dory, a six-week old piglet with a ruptured umbilical hernia. Kelly placed little Dory in soft straw and her own pen. Kelly rubbed Dory’s belly to prepare her for surgery and keep her calm.

Dory's staples.
The purple residue is antibacterial spray to avoid infection.

Dory was now on her way to surgery to Roberta Haught, D.V.M., Colegate Woods Veterinary Hospital, Marietta. Under the expert care of Dr. Haught, Dory was under anesthesia for 60 minutes to have her large umbilical hernia repaired. The surgery required 30 staples to ‘sew’ Dory’s belly and keep her incision closed.

Dory at the vet's office, waiting to have her staples removed.

A week later, Dory was loaded again for a trip to Dr. Haught. Dory, fragile and ready to have her staples removed, quietly stayed in the trailer. Kelly rubbed Dory’s belly, keeping her calm for the staple removal. The Colegate Woods staff was attentive to Dory as they prepared to remove her staples. Christina, Dr. Haught’s assistant, expertly removed Dory’s staples. Dory was able to stay in the trailer without being moved. 

Happy now, Kelly gave Dory a treat and they drove the short distance back to Fernwood Farm. Dory was back with her other pig friends. After taking a long drink, she snuggled into her warm straw.

On Sunday, October 15, Dory’s hernia re-opened. She is scheduled for surgery Monday, October 23. 

Dory, playing in her pen

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